Developer Mode (debug mode)

The developer mode (or debug mode) gives you access to extra and advanced tools.

Activate through the Settings

前往 设置 ‣ 启用开发人员模式

Overview of the debug options under settings in Odoo


启用开发人员模式(带资产) 由开发人员使用; 启用开发人员模式(带测试资产) 由开发人员和测试人员使用。

在启用开发人员模式之后, 停用开发人员模式 选项也就可用了。

Activate through a browser extension

前往Web浏览器的设置和扩展,并搜索 Odoo Debug 。 一旦安装了扩展,将在工具栏上显示一个新图标。
对于 Odoo Debug 扩展,单击可启用模式的正常版本,而双击将启用资产。若要停用,请单击。
View of odoo’s debug icon in a chrome’s toolbar

Activate through the command palette

The command palette tool has a command to activate the debug mode: open it with the keyboard shortcut ctrl+k, then type debug: a command will show up to activate the debug mode.

Command palette with debug command

Activate through the URL

In the URL, add ?debug=1 or ?debug=true after web. To deactivate the debug mode, add ?debug=0 instead.

Overview of an url with the debug mode command added in Odoo


Additional modes are available for developers: ?debug=assets enables the assets mode, and ?debug=tests enables the tests mode.


The Developer mode tools can be accessed from the Open Developer Tools button, located on the header of your pages. This menu contains additional tools that are useful to understand or edit technical data, such as the views or the actions. It contains some useful menu items such as:

  • edit action

  • manage filters

  • edit the current view

  • see the fields view get

  • and much more.

Overview of a console page and the debug icon being shown in Odoo