
Adyen is a Dutch-based company that offers several online payment possibilities.



Odoo needs your API Credentials to connect with your Adyen account, which comprise:

  • Merchant Account: The code of the merchant account to use with Adyen.

  • API Key: The API key of the webservice user.

  • Client Key: The client key of the webservice user.

  • HMAC Key: The HMAC key of the webhook.

  • Checkout API URL: The base URL for the Checkout API endpoints.

  • Recurring API URL: The base URL for the Recurring API endpoints.

You can copy your credentials from your Adyen account, and paste them in the related fields under the Credentials tab.


If you are trying Adyen as a test, with a test account, change the State to Test Mode. We recommend doing this on a test Odoo database, rather than on your main database.

API Key and Client Key

In order to retrieve the API Key and the Client Key, log into your Adyen account, go to Developers ‣ API Credentials. - If you already have an API user, open it. - If you don’t have an API user yet, click on Create new credential. Go to Authentication and get or generate your API Key and Client Key. Be careful to copy your API key as you’ll not be allowed to get it later without generating a new one.

This is also the place where you’ll allow payments to be made from your website.

HMAC key

In order to retrieve the HMAC Key, you’ll need to configure a Standard Notification webhook. For this, log into your Adyen account then go to Developers ‣ Webhooks ‣ Add webhook ‣ Add Standard notification.

Configure a webhook.

There, in Transport ‣ URL, enter your server address followed by /payment/adyen/notification.

Enter the notification URL.

Then continue in Additional Settings ‣ HMAC Key ‣ Generate new HMAC key. Be careful to copy it as you’ll not be allowed to get it later without generating a new one.

You have to save the webhook to finalize its creation.


To retrieve the URLs, log into your Adyen account, go to Developers ‣ API URLs. Pick one of the URLs listed next to Recurring as your Recurring API URL and one of the URLs listed next to Checkout API as your Checkout API URL.

Get the links for the different API.


Allow payments from a specific origin

To allow payment originated from your website, follow the steps in API Key and Client Key to navigate to your API user and go to Allowed Origins, then add the URLs from where payments will be made (the URLs of the servers hosting your Odoo instances).

Allows payments originated from a specific domain.